A lot has happened since my last post - I'm still alive, just been super busy juggling the beast that is PhD!
I have a few posts lined up for the next few weeks, but just wanted to update!
I have interviewed and been offered/accepted a post doc position at a company, and I couldn't be more excited! But that means I have to move across the country, to Boston to be exact. It is a huge change, and it means long distance relationship for some time... but it is doable, and I know everything will be ok. I've spent a lot of time thinking and crying, and I had to go with my heart.
I've also set a date for my dissertation defense, June 8, so the count down is on! I have started making figures for my final chapter of my dissertation, and the rest of the dissertation is written - so I am just at the last stretch!
In order to combat stress, I have been really focusing on working out. Since the first of the year, I have done back to back programs, starting with a cardio kickboxing/MMA style program, and then followed that with a 60 day program of Insanity Max 30, a high intensity interval training program. I saw amazing results with this, and even though I didn't lose weight on the scale, I overall lost 3 inches, and gained so much endurance. I started the first week severely doubting myself and doubting I could do 60 days of this -- but I still pushed thru, and found that by month two, I was pushing myself even harder and actually excited to do my workouts! It was such a great feeling!
Here are my results photos from my fitness instagram account (@labcoatsandlegday)