Monday, October 17, 2016

#FWLA - Shop the Runway!

Hey guys!
Sorry for my disappearance here, I have been so stressed out with lab work and trying to finish up my project so I can finally defend my thesis, but I do have a lot of blog things in the works, including more youtube videos (continuing my Grad School series as well as more tutorials and reviews) in addition to more travel Diary and outfit looks and collaborations!! So I haven't forgotten, I just haven't had much time to sleep!! I am also planning a couple of really cool trips so stay tuned and updated with whats going on!!
If you want to check out my daily goings on, I am posting daily to Instagram, so go give me a follow over there!!

I got invited to Fashion Week LA (FWLA) by Fi from the Nifty Fashion App, and I had mixed up the days... for some reason I thought today was the 16th, so when I looked at the invite, I was thinking its tomorrow and Wednesday, then I realized, shit, thats today!
I am currently running lots of samples in lab so I am unable to make it downtown to the Fashion Runway event, but I am going to be watching it live streaming here on the blog!! Someone I know has a friend who is presenting her collection today so I am really excited!

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