Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November Fall Trends Style Guide

Hi loves!
Life has been rather hectic for me with work, leaving me little to no time to myself. I need to figure out how to better balance work and life, as I need to make time for myself, whether it is blogging, working out, or sleeping! Trying to do too much with not enough time always ends up feeling overwhelming.
Every night I browse a couple of my favorite blogs to relax, and scrolling through the fashion hashtags on instagram, I have gained some style inspiration for this November/fall! I am itching to go shopping now!
Here are some Fall November Trends that I am loving right now!

1. Braids - After attending StyleCon OC this past weekend, it was all about the braids! They had braid bars all over the event so you could get your hair done! I got a crown braid which went around the entire top of my head (photo peak on instagram, outfit post to come Thursday/Friday!). And since I am bored with just wearing my hair down to work, I have started trying to do a front pleated braid, which helps my highlights stand out and it keeps the hair out of my face! I want to do a youtube tutorial on this, if I ever find the time to record!

2. Tulle/Full Skirts  - I saw a few bloggers wearing Tulle skirts, and I fell in Love!  I saw my sweet blogger friend Jeannie from wearing a Tulle skirt in her latest post and it solidified for me the style - it is so chic especially paired with some boots! A full tulle skirt matched with a plain blouse is just the perfect outfit! I am going to buy a tulle skirt soon to style on the blog!

November Trends Report


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Recap of Life: #FABDILab Blogger event, Halloween, my take on social media, and giveaway winner!

Hi loves!
Sorry for lack of posts this week! I am working for more posts for you guys for next week but it has been a rather stressful and busy two weeks, and only will be as busy this weekend!
Juggling 12 hr days at work where I am on my feet all day doing experiments is exhausting, and I have all the intentions to work on blog posts and outfit posts but I end up passing out on the couch from 10 pm! I think I will be graduating in this next year (hoping to walk at graduation, defend by summer!), so I can see the end of the tunnel which is great (so exciting to finally be done with this journey) but terrifying at the same time because I still have so much to accomplish in my projects!!

Two weekends ago I attended #FabDILab, a blogger conference that I attended last year and met some good blogger friends! So it was nice to go back again this year more experienced in the blogging world and I felt like I could take away so much more! The day started off with a networking breakfast followed by back to back talks - focusing on social media, branding yourself, how to work with companies, and much more! It was cool hearing of these things from others who do this full time! I definitely took home some tips that I hope I can share with you! If you follow me on twitter (@phd_fashionista), I was tweeting some good quotes from various speakers throughout the day! It was rather interesting to hear some statistics - what particularly stood out to me was that 81% of Consumers trust info and advice from bloggers! So Influencer marketing really works! I know I love to see a certain piece styled with an outfit rather than just seeing an ad for a piece by itself - so it makes sense! Another tip was, No's are not the end, they are a part of the process. Which really resonates for me, on more levels than just blogging, but in life. Sometimes you get down when you get rejection after rejection, but to be honest, it might mean you are saving yourself for something even more epic and a bigger opportunity!

I struggled with that today, as I applied to be a part of this social program that sends you samples to review, and I was instantly rejected. And it was because my instagram following was not up to par - apparently you need a minimum of 1000 followers. Number of followers is misleading because nowadays it's so easy to buy followers! I was a little upset but then it really made me realize why I started blogging - not for the free things or the glitz and glamor, but because I seriously enjoy writing and creating - I absolutely love creating outfit posts and styling them, doing my makeup and taking great photos to showcase my outfits - and then I enjoy writing the posts even more! It really helped put things in perspective - I didn't start blogging to become instagram famous, I started blogging because I love blogging, fashion, and this outlet! It was kind of funny because I had this epiphany along the same time as another Instagram star Essena O'neill posted about quitting social media - whether or not it was a publicity stunt or she genuinely was sick of the ridiculousness - I agree - and it's so upsetting to realize how much I have started obsessing over instagram and number of followers. And having photos to post - must be perfectly posed, must take so many shots of the same thing until it's perfect - she is completely right!

Well, anyway, if you have read down to hear, I really appreciate you reading my ranting and ramblings. I really had a great time at FabDILab, learned a lot, and also got some free goodies in a goodie bag (see photo below), that I will be reviewing in some posts coming up soon!

Keep scrolling to read about my Halloween and the announcement of the Giveaway winner!


Friday, October 30, 2015

What I wore and Cute DNA Necklace by Eclectic Eccentricity Jewelry!

Hi Guys!
Happy Halloween!
Today I bring you an outfit post of what I wore to #FabDILab event last weekend (recap coming early next week along with the winner of the Firmoo Giveaway!), and a really cute necklace that I want to showcase!
#FabDILab blogger conference was a great time, I learned so much, and I decided to wear this really cute Chambray dress that I bought myself from Charlotte Russe. It was nice because it was casual but still chic and could easily dress it up with heels! I decided to go with gold accessories, and it was the perfect opportunity to wear my Eclectic Eccentricity Paired for Life Double Helix DNA Necklace that I received and fell in love with! What a better opportunity to represent my blog at the conference and to stand out than a DNA necklace that is super cute!
I went to their site, to look at their necklaces and they were all SO CUTE! I couldn't pick just one favorite! I adored their unique take on accessory main pieces! Everything was science and space themed, I wish I could have everything! From dinosaurs, to planets, to space ships, to DNA, to moon dust, to special element rocks, everything was so unique and beautiful!
The Double Helix DNA necklace is really great, it is a brass double helix pendant along with a small red Cherry Quartz and another quartz and hematite cubes on a gold plated chain! DNA is the basis of our entire world and being, so this is a really cute necklace to showcase the importance of science!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to style a scarf as a main piece - Jordanian Scarf and Zara Jeans

It's been a hectic week and weekend, super busy with work and a blogger event (recap post coming soon!) and hanging out with long lost friends (my college roommate was in town so I got to see her for a halloween party in hollywood!). It was so nice because I hadn't seen my friend in 3 years, so it was really convenient to see her! I went to a halloween party at a club in Hollywood hosted by IronMan Magazine, it was a rather busy day because I went to a blogging event #FabDILab in Santa Monica (outfit post to come!), got home, quickly changed into a makeshift halloween costume, and headed out! I managed to develop a small cold too, I think from constantly being on the go and not allowing my body to rest! So I took yesterday off and worked from home. It was a nice little break.

The weather in LA has recently gotten a little cooler, so I'm pretty happy we have somewhat of a fall (but I am still in shorts during the day). On one of the cooler days I decided to wear this outfit I wore to lab, with my Zara skinny jeans and a plain white tank top from Forever21. Since it was a little chilly, I covered up using this beautiful scarf I received as a gift from my boyfriend's wonderful mother from Jordan. It was gorgeous!!! I fell in love with it and the pattern, it is totally fall! Matched with my black ankle booties from Target (Brand: Sam & Libby), I thought it was the perfect fall outfit that could be worn to work or out to dinner, drinks, whatever! Sorry for the multiple photos, I loved this shoot and couldn't decide on just a few photos to post!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mission Pink Event - Breast Cancer Awareness with Susan G. Komen and The Outlets at Orange

Happy Monday!

Last week I was invited by my blogger friend Samira from to attend an event at the Outlets at Orange in Orange, CA (outside of LA, Orange county) to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer with the Susan G. Komen Foundation through out the entire month of October, called "Mission Pink" (#MissionPink). I'm sure you have heard that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and a lot of people have been donning pink (or some purple) in support.

Ever since I was in high school, I was taking part of "Team Walk for Cancer Care" in my hometown, and we would fundraise and walk every year for Cancer research and awareness. As a graduate student and scientist working on biochemistry research, I am fully supportive of raising awareness and funds for research for breast cancer - a particularly tough disease that affects more people than you would expect. Did you know that one case of breast cancer is diagnosed every two minutes?! The statistics are astonishing, and while I do not directly do breast cancer research, laboratories need funding in order to make the breakthroughs and finding cures! Basic research (and translational research) is so important in determining mechanisms and proteins involved in disease pathology, that government cuts in funding are only pushing us back in eventually finding cures.

Simon, the parent corporation for the Outlets at Orange, set up several events throughout the month to raise funds, with a guaranteed donation minimum of $250,000 (Score! Do you know how much research that can fund?!?! Amazing!) to fund research and "support women, men and families suffering from breast cancer, and move toward a world with no breast cancer," said Dr. Judy Salerno, Komen President and CEO.

The event I went to was a Mission Pink - Yelp Elite Combined event, with a cool fashion show in which models from various retailers at the Outlets displayed pops of pink color to show their support in Mission Pink. There was free food, music, open bar, and various raffles and contests to win free stuff! It was rather cool! There was also a "wall of strength," in which a $1 donation, survivors, families and friends wrote their message of strength on a laminated "brick" and posted their picture.

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