Saturday, December 1, 2012

New fashion finds! Black Friday buys

Hello! Hope everyone has been keeping busy, I know I have with school work now that the holidays are around!! I have 2 weeks before I head off to Boston to spend the holidays with my family for winter break! But here are some fashion finds I bought in LA this past "Black Friday." I didn't go out in the middle of the night, I went shopping at noon the next day to small boutiques and stores around Westwood Village. 
First off, I found this really adorable spike bracelet (haha, adorable + spikes...) with some sparkle to it, I fell in love. I bought this from Urban Outfitters. Next I found this cute sweater to wear, it has some sparkle to it, and the back was cute as it was a little open. I also bought this strapless pink shiny pleplum top, seen here. It has some boning so it stays up (love it, really need that since all strapless tops never stay up for me, problems having bigger Perfect for going out these holidays, paired with a fitted black miniskirt or even long dark jeans would be nice!! These are both from this store called Kaitlyn in Westwood. I really like their clothes, so cute!
 Studded sparkle bracelet from Urban Outfitters!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Great weekend!

Ok so this weekend was rather fun! First of all, I felt really accomplished because I am getting closer and closer to my weight loss goal! I'm not keeping track of my weight but instead going by how I look, as the scale lies. Muscle weighs more than fat so I have been gaining rather than losing, but I look much more fit (at least, I think so!). Take a look at my before and after pics. They aren't that good quality and I am still working on it, but I have trimmed down my pooch belly quite a bit. Still have to do more work but getting there! The pictures on the left are from March, right from Friday.
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