Monday, July 15, 2013

Dress and shoes!

Hi everyone.
I've been super busy with work and moving! I finally have moved in and settled into my new apartment, but I have been out and about buying things! Mostly furniture and decorations, but I bought some new shoes that I think are super cute.
Two of my friends have very similar shoes that they bought from Zappos, Sam Edelman booties that are 130 dollars. These I found at this little boutique in Westwood called Kaitlyn Clothing ( for 25 dollars! I tried them on and fell in love! They are comfy and cute with skinny jeans!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Moving day!

So today I am moving to my new apartment!  (Reason for my lack of posts lately...) I've been crazy busy with 12 hr days in lab, but on the plus side I am going to be on my first publication! So cool!
And now I am busy packing up my life so I can move everything today! I am moving into a one bedroom and I am SO excited to decorate! I have posted two possible color schemes I am debating, please let me know which one you like better! Of course, I was limited to polyvore's items they have (I was too lazy to add my own), so I can change things but this is the general concept of what I was thinking! I am torn! Or I am also open to other color suggestions!
What do you think?!
I also bought a 40" TV yesterday. SO EXCITED for it to be delivered tomorrow!!!
I can't wait to have my apartment set up! I will post pictures when everything is organized and set up!

Living Room Color Scheme Option 2


Living Room color scheme

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