Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Episode 2: How to deal with Finances and Giveaway Winner

Happy Tuesday!

Today I bring you Episode 2 of my new Youtube Series, PhD Fashionista's Survival Guide to Grad School, and I'm talking about dealing with finances. I've struggled living in LA on a grad student stipend, but I've made it work! Check out the video for some tips, and let me know if you have any comments or additional tips for how you made it work!

And Finally I selected a Flowerbomb Perfume Giveaway winner randomly from the entries - Congrats to Sarah Klein! I have sent you an email!!

Thanks to everyone who entered, stay tuned for another giveaway soon!

Have a great rest of your week and I will be back with an outfit post on Friday!



Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Conferencing it up - Poster Presentation Outfit

Hey loves!
Hello from San Diego! 
It is officially conference time at the ASBMB meeting, and yesterday I presented my poster and talked some science! I have been attending various talks and workshops all weekend, and it has been a really great experience thus far! I have been on the go since Friday, and my plans were to blog each day, but after a long day at the conference center listening to talks, I get back to the hotel and collapse on my bed! I have been chronicling my day to day outfits on my instagram (go follow me there, @phd_fashionista, to keep up to date), but I thought I would actually write a post about my outfit for the poster presentation today! 
I wore this pretty patterned top/blouse that I got from Express, and I paired it with black dress pants I also bought from Express, called the Editor, I really like the flattering cut of the pants! I tried on a pair of their ankle dress pants and with my body/legs, they actually made me look even shorter! So a bootcut pant is definitely my friend! 
I paired the outfit with the same comfy Nine West heels that I have worn in other outfits (and to be honest they have been worn into the ground, time for a new pair soon!), and some simple accessories. My necklace was a birthday gift from a great friend, Dina from Leafandcrown.com, she hand laser cut the necklace as a part of her new zodiac collection! How cool is that?! my friends are so talented! And I also used my black tote bag from Zara, I love how chic it looks and it is big enough to fit a lot of my things! 
I'm a huge fan of wall art, so when I saw this wall I had to take a photo in front of it!


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Episode 1: How to deal with Stress and Anxiety, PhD Fashionista's Survival Guide to Grad School

Hey guys!

Hope everyone is having a good week so far! The quarter started on Monday and I'm a Teaching Assistant on top of doing research, so it will be a very busy quarter!
I'm preparing a bunch of conference fashion posts to be posting for the conference I'm attending this weekend/next week, and I will be trying to blog every day of the conference, so be on the lookout for those posts!

But first, I want to post my first episode for my Youtube Series: Phd Fashionista's Survival Guide to Grad School: How to deal with Stress and Anxiety.

It is really putting myself out there and talking about something personal I've dealt with, but I find it rarely talked about and so hush-hush, so I am restarting the conversation. Hope this can help even just one person, it will all be worth it!<3 br="">

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to get email updates for new episodes!

I would love to hear your comments about this topic, what you think about the videos, and any other topics you would like to hear discussed!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!



PS. Winner of the Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume giveaway will be announced as soon as I can check thru all of the entries!


Friday, March 25, 2016

Fashion and Fitness - 8 ways to keep your cool and Stretch the stress away

Hello loves!
Happy Friday!
Another week down, another week closer to summer and being done!
I have alluded in previous posts and if you have been following me on instagram that I've been focusing a lot on self care, which is done by working on my nutrition and fitness!
This past fall I fell into a negative spiral where I was so stressed out, super overwhelmed, things weren't working on my projects, I had month-long headaches and migraines, and it just overall sucked. I was working 12 hour days but I didn't feel like I was progressing, I wasn't sleeping enough, and I didn't have time to relax or workout. Come December, I decided to change that, because I couldn't continue living in that same state. I also hit my heaviest weight. I needed to change something. I decided to start focusing on myself, so I can refind myself and I can actually be productive in work.
After months of contemplation to invest in a program, I committed to doing a Beachbody workout and nutrition program called 21 Day Fix, perfect for a beginner, thanks to a friend who is a coach and recommended it to me, and it was the best decision I made. All of a sudden I had a structured meal plan and workout program that I could do the workouts in 30 minutes a day, and really had no excuses not to stick to it, especially since I invested in it. The coaching and free accountability group/community I became a part of was a great plus, and I believe is the difference between sticking to a program and just buying it and leaving it to the side. Being in a community with other women who were making a huge effort to lose weight, change their health habits, was so inspiring. I lost 4 lbs in my first round and about 7.5 inches in 21 days. That's only 3 weeks!! And I also noticed my headaches were gone, I wasn't getting a migraine when I felt stressed. I saw a change in my skin, it cleared up, my bloating went down, and my stomach felt better. I realized I inadvertently cut out cheese and milk from my diet, and it make a wonderful difference. I found out I am to a degree lactose intolerant! I also found that I feel so much better and I actually enjoy cooking food! I cut out all processed foods, which has helped me regulate my body, and I am saving money since I have a focused meal plan and grocery list. I always would over buy lots of groceries and I would end up spending 100$+ a week on groceries and end up eating out most of the week. Sticking with this easy meal plan has helped me stay on track and save money! In addition I started having a superfoods shake to my meal plan, and I add some greens and fruits to it, super yummy and I get a lot of my nutrients in for the day! It has also curbed my sweet tooth quite a bit, and it has some protein, so perfect to drink for breakfast or snack after a workout!
I loved 21 Day Fix so much I decided to up it a little bit and I did my next 21 days using 21 Day Fix Extreme, which was similar to the regular fix, but the workouts were, like the title, a little more extreme! I saw even better results following this plan, I definitely lost some body fat and leaned out!
And currently, I am following the 22 Minute HardCorp program, which is an 8 week bootcamp style program that was just released! Tony Horton, who created P90X which you may have heard of, designed this bootcamp style program that can be done in 22 minutes! Literally, my soulmate workout, because I don't have a lot of time, so it is quick and done, and it hits all the muscle groups. It alternates between resistance and cardio, and I have definitely leaned out and I am just in week 3! I can't wait to see my body change and see my results by the end of 8 weeks (brings me to end of April! time is flying, it is almost summer!)
If you are interested in doing a program then send me an email (andrea@phdfashionista.com) and we can chat about your goals! I'd love to share what has worked for me and hopefully it can help you! You can also check out the options for On Demand Access at this link: www.tinyurl.com/workoutwithLCLD

Well, anyway, I also wanted to share this really cute Fabletics outfit that I love, I really really love all of the pieces in the Fabletics collection, especially bright pieces. And I love these bright neon pink sneakers from Nike! No one said working out had to be boring, there are so many brands out there with really fashionable pieces!

Here is a simple stretching workout to do when you are feeling tense and want to stretch the stress away! I found yoga, meditation and just stretching really help me when I am feeling really tense.

1. Runners Lunge - Stretch out your hips and hamstrings by coming into a runners lunge!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

PhD Fashionista's Survival Guide to Grad School

Hey Loves!
Sorry it's been some time since my last outfit post, I do have outfits I need to post about, but I've just been swamped lately with school work and not having enough time to do anything!
I have a bunch of projects I am working on - I am heading to a conference in San Diego that I am preparing some Conference Fashion posts, and I will hopefully be blogging fashion during the conference also. I am also working on some fitness posts, that will be up soon also!

BUT! I am finally proud to announce that I kicked my butt into gear and FINALLY got around to starting this youtube series I have wanted to start since Summer, a Survival Guide to Grad School. I will be talking about various issues graduate students encounter, and this is the first intro video in the series - but I will be posting a video a week! These aren't issues just exclusive to grad students but also to life, so if you have anything you want me to talk about, do leave a comment!  Would love to hear some feedback also!

I would love it if you would SUBSCRIBE to my Channel!

Also, I am always active on Instagram right now, mainly because I am always on the go - so definitely check out my posts there if you want some more fashion inspiration (I have recently been posting my daily outfits that I don't get a chance to photograph for the blog!
Follow me on Instagram @phd_fashionista

And lastly, my giveaway is still running, so do check it out and enter to win the Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb full size perfume! It will be running until THIS FRIDAY - so go and enter!!

Enter the giveaway here

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead, and I will be posting again this week!



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